A couple of months ago, I started to build an All-Tube Modular Synthesizer. Today, it has
several modules, such as an VCO, an Bandpass VCF an HP/LP VCF, an LFO, VCA, and an Waveshaper.
These modules were built using shematics by Eric Barbour, you can get more information
on his Tubesynths at his site www.metasonix.com
Tube Synthesizers have a very interesting and unique sound, it's impossible to compare
with solid-state Analog Synths. I made a little Showcase of my synthesizer,
you can download it here
as an 1,6 MB Mp3-File. I used only my Synth as Sound Source in this piece, the only
Effect i used was a delay.
On the pictures below, you can see my Tube-Synthesizer.
Here you can see the complete cirquit, with the Transformers, the Tubes and the Pots.
This is the 0B2 Tube of the synth glowing very nice at night...
Here are the tubes which switched-on filament power.